Do We Believe in Miracles?

What I am writing here is my personal opinion and a way to look at and believe what this argument states. My intention for this is to be based as much as it can on the word of God, and I think it is. His Word is our most reliable source. We also obviously need to experience it in our lives. His Word, mixed with faith, is what is going to make the difference. However, people might have different opinions on the topic, and I respect them.

Do we believe in miracles? What is the condition for a miracle to happen?

We know that one of the most important and fundamental miracles in the life of the believer is the one of the new birth. It happens when the love of God touches someone’s life and he repents. This is the reason why Jesus came. There is no doubt this is the most important. But what about physical miracles like healings, etc.? We know that there are certain denominational movements that do believe it and are more focused on this kind of manifestation of God’s power while others do not. There are also those who fall somewhere in between.

Some people would quickly pray for someone who is sick, and others instead would say, “If it’s God’s will, it will happen.” I am not questioning any of them; I am just stating what I see. I think there still exist physical miracles, which can still happen today. If God performed these miracles through the believers of the early church time, why not today?  Now, if you ask me if I can perform a miracle, I would tell you that I wouldn’t know, but that doesn’t mean that others cannot. I am not saying with this statement that all the miracles and prodigies we see or hear about come from God because, in the last times, Jesus said that many would come performing great signs, but that would be just to deceive. (Matthew 24:24)

And if we are not able to do anything extraordinary, we mustn’t beat ourselves up for it. Maybe our ministry is different. There are multiple gifts and functions of the Spirit in us. It might be because of a lack of faith, but it is very possible to be as well because of the kind of gifts and functions we’ve got. Jesus himself said: “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.“ (Matthew 12:39)

This passage shows us that sometimes it is a question of us, but sometimes also of the other people we are dealing with. He said that no sign would be given to that generation except the sign of the prophet Jonah. That was a comparison with His death on the cross, which is the most important because it is for salvation. Many people just want to see something so that they can be able to believe, while He said: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.“ So for them, He has prepared another kind of sign, miracle, and another way He would deal with them. It was because of their condition and their life. I believe that God has prepared the best possible for each one of us, for those who seek His face. There is a verse in Acts 17:26, 27 as well.

“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all  the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;”

So here we see that He has established the times, the dwellings, and everything. And what would be best for the people dwelling there. That explains why, in certain nations and places, certain miracles happen more than in other places. He knows those people's faith and what they need so that they can seek Him, as it is said in the verse.

God knows exactly what kind of ministry and what kind of believers with gifts of the Spirit should be placed there. All of this for His glory. Even though we all are people, there is still a difference in how we’ve been brought up, what we know or think about life, etc. So, He knows how to work in each one’s life. And sometimes, the different ministries shouldn’t be dividing each other (unless for something really fundamental and important) but should look at each other as different parts of the same body. Obviously, even if sometimes we don’t have a certain gift, it still can be manifested in us only by His Grace, but in general, we should serve and follow God in the way He wants and according to His will because His plans for how everything has to work, are perfect. He knows exactly why He placed us in the place where we are, and He knows how to accomplish His will in a perfect way.

Do We Believe In Miracles?
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